Githurai 44 area in northeast Nairobi

Northeast Nairobi

Bishop Francis Kubania Ringera, one of the leaders of the Sabbath-Keeping Remnant Churches of God in Kenya & a pastor in Githurai 44 area in northeast Nairobi.

Daughter of Zion Ministries

Daughter of Zion Ministries

Edward K. Talam - Elder from Chebole, Daughter of Zion Ministries


Narok congregation

Narok congregation of Maasai Church of God


(Daughter of Zion Ministries)


Kenneth Kirui & Cornelius Kigen from Chebole (Daughter of Zion Ministries)

Olenkaroni and Shankoe


Olenkaroni and Shankoe

Women's choir at Olenkaroni - joint Sabbath meeting of the Maasai Church of God congregations from Olenkaroni and Shankoe

Olenkaroni and Shankoe

Maasai Church of God congregations from Olenkaroni and Shankoe

Outdoor meeting place at Olenkaroni - joint Sabbath meeting of the Maasai Church of God congregations from Olenkaroni and Shankoe


outdoor meeting place at Olenkaroni

Joint Sabbath meeting of the Maasai Church of God congregations from Olenkaroni and Shankoe in outdoor meeting place at Olenkaroni

Maasai Church of God building at Naronyo

Building at Naronyo

The Maasai Church of God building at Naronyo

Maasai Church of God congregation at Naronyo

Congregation at Naronyo

The Maasai Church of God congregation at Naronyo

Maasai Church of God administration building in Kilgoris

administration building in Kilgoris

The Maasai Church of God administration building in Kilgoris (also doubles as an internet cafe for the locals).

Julius' farm

From left to right:  Pastor Julius Lenkume, Pastor Jonah ??? (possibly Gilisho), Pastor Aron Kinja Kiugu, & David Boi @ Julius' farm

Maasai Church of God at Oldanyati

Maasai Church of God at Oldanyati

Women from the Maasai Church of God at Oldanyati, including Julius' "sister" (possibly cousin) Ongoto Sarinke (far left)

Maasai Church of God congregation at Oldanyati

Maasai Church of God congregation at Oldanyati

The Maasai Church of God congregation at Oldanyati (pastors there are Nicholas Konchella & James Ngetich, who is also the schoolmaster of the local school)