Maasai Church of God administration building in Kilgoris

administration building in Kilgoris

The Maasai Church of God administration building in Kilgoris (also serves as an internet cafe).

Olenkaroni and Shankoe (Osupukiai)


Olenkaroni and Shankoe

Women's choir at Olenkaroni during joint Sabbath meeting of the Maasai Church of God congregations from Olenkaroni and Shankoe.

Olenkaroni and Shankoe

Maasai Church of God congregations from Olenkaroni and Shankoe

Outdoor meeting place at Olenkaroni during joint Sabbath meeting of the Maasai Church of God congregations from Olenkaroni and Shankoe.


outdoor meeting place at Olenkaroni

Joint Sabbath meeting of the Maasai Church of God congregations from Olenkaroni and Shankoe in outdoor meeting place at Olenkaroni.

Maasai Church of God at Oldanyati

Maasai Church of God at Oldanyati

Women from the Maasai Church of God at Oldanyati, including Julius' relative Ongoto Sarinke (far left).

Maasai Church of God congregation at Oldanyati

The Maasai Church of God congregation at Oldanyati (pastor there is now Jonah Nairenke Gilisho from Shankoe).

Maasai Church of God at Naronyo

Building at Naronyo

The Maasai Church of God building at Naronyo.

Congregation at Naronyo

The Maasai Church of God congregation at Naronyo.

Maasai Church of God at Narok

Narok congregation

Narok congregation of Maasai Church of God.